To evaluate credit repair services, have a credit report ready. Obtain reports via credit bureaus, monitoring services, or for free annually at Brokers can also supply them with your consent. Contact us to identify the best source for you. Need help getting a report before your consultation? Let us know, and we’ll assist.
Our leading service boosts your credit scores with all three bureaus to help reach your financial goals. For an all-inclusive package with coaching and tailored plans, see our Premium Service.
The Premium Service, offering all standard features plus more, includes:
Refer someone and receive a one-time discount on your next monthly fee for each referral who joins.
Inform us if you're working with a broker for a possible discount on your setup fee.
Inquire about special discounts for couples or families considering our services.
We proudly offer discounts to military personnel on the initial setup fee.
Start with our tailored programs to dispute inaccuracies and improve your credit score. With services designed for individuals and couples, and no long-term commitments, the path to financial freedom is clear and personal.
The Credit Guru
23632 Hwy 99, Suite F404
Edmonds, WA 98026
Serving clients in Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Atlanta, New York and other cities.